( JW Governing body members are invited to respond)
However professional and glossy their PR makeover is,
as seen on JW TV and the JW org logo... the bottom line is that 19th
century religious adventist claims are no longer sexy.
To outsiders the JW org now has all the allure of a donkey
wearing lipstick.
No makeover will hide the raw cult speech for
promoting themselves as “guardians of the doctrines”. First, truth does not need guardians and
second, who wants crazy mega-death doomsday doctrines in the first place?
We’ve listed the prevailing popular perceptions
Money grabbing,
Family destroying,
Bible literalists
Discouragers of education
On top of these damning features they have been
exposed in the press as harbouring paedophiles and heartlessly not caring for
the victims in their midst. Two-faced in their stance condemning the UN then
secretly joining that organisation. Having two values for the lives of members
in different countries, namely the scandals in Mexico and Malawi etc.
Yet the membership steadily increased towards the
end of the last century.
It seems to me this was in large part due to the
benign and friendly manner of people like us (when deluded!) who welcomed the new converts to
our international social club for the gullible. The growth now is reduced and the increase is
only from the JW children anxious to please their brain-washed parents and
critically from among those who don’t have the internet.
I hope the
internet and its transparent information is the death of Watchtower propaganda.
The GB is suffering a credibility crisis. In 136 years they have never
said anything amounting to evidence of being singled out as the exclusive
channel which God is using. Significantly they used to seduce the punters with
the promise that those who saw their magic year 1914 (like Fred Franz did) would
also see the end of the “wicked system of things.” Result: As
usual; an unmitigated failure!
This was the climax in their history of making false
claims........ Why don’t the majority leave?
Is there anything left which they can point to claim divine
favour or authority?
(...no insult to donkeys was intended in writing